In case you haven't signed up yet, you should see what you're missing out on! Safeway has added even more features and great savings to their e-coupons you can upload to your Safeway Club Card. E-coupons are just paperless's easy peasy, and savings you'll get without doing much at all.
Right now, if you sign up you get a free dozen eggs...just for signing up. I was already signed up for their e-coupons before, so that didn't apply to me...but I did notice that some things in their coupon center such as "personalized coupons" you can add and "club specials" and it'll show how long the sale is running for each item and how much of a savings it is from their regular price. These are one time coupons, the registers are programmed to accept these first before paper coupons...BUT, in theory, I also read before that they're supposed to accept the higher value coupon regardless. What it does do, is basically give you an extra chance to get a great deal when your paper coupon has item quantity limitations on them. You cannot use the e-coupon and a paper coupon for the same item, but it doesn't stop you from buying multiple identical items using multiple coupons, with the exception of when it says limit one coupon per customer. In which case, that's when doing a separate transaction comes into play. A new transaction, the register doesn't know it's not a new customer and you can continue to receive great savings.
Give it a try! It's worth the time to upload coupons to your Club Card!